What are the top five books that changed your life and why?

Best Life Changing Books Online

Calling and addressing all book lovers. Ever wondered how books can help us change lives? This blog is about how books can be life-changing for us.  The book will show you the benefits of reading books, the types of books, and how five books changed my life.

Reading books have enormous benefits, they take away our sorrows and give us joy. Books are of different kinds such as biographies, memoirs, Self-Help Books, novels, short stories and others.

Benefits of reading books

·         Books exercise the brain:   Books take us on a journey of different characters and their emotions, they speak to us. That is why books can be life-changing for us.

·         Reading is a form of entertainment: A good book can be inspiring and heart-rending. We read books to entertain ourselves and to pass the time. 

·         Reading helps improve literacy: Reading different words helps us read and write and thus, improves literacy.

·       Reading helps us exercise the brain. They help us focus on words on a page and when we read, we are immersed into the world.

·        Reading improves vocabulary:  Reading books helps us in improving word power. Each book can be an eye-opening experience for us.

 Types of books

Do you have a category of book in mind? Books are of various types such as anthologies, short stories, poems, biographies, and graphic novels. Here are certain categories of books.

·    Non- Fiction: These include biographies and history books.  Most biographies are non-fiction. The Diary of Ann Frank is an account of Ann Frank’s family in the Secret Annexe. Dictionaries are atlases are non-fiction, as they contain only words.  Encyclopedias have an array of facts about anything and everything.

·         Memoirs: These are travel accounts of people on voyages, or life experiences.

·    Self-help books: These are books intended to evoke inspiration and help to change behavior patterns such as Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

     Fiction Books: These include classics such as fairy tales and Aesop fables. These are eye-openers of wisdom and can evoke truthfulness. 

 Five books that help me change my life

These are the five books that helped me reinvent my life and changed it considerably.

1.  Psychology of Money by Morgan Carousel: This book is on timeless lessons of making money, investing it the right way, and make life changing business decisions that can help alter your life.  Financial decisions are made on a spreadsheet.  The author has shared nine short stories to explore the strange ways people think about money and to make much more sense of life’s matters. This book helped me on how to manage money in situations of crisis and to think smartly.

2.   Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert: This book explores the life of Elizabeth Gilbert, after the death of her husband in the war, she is sobbing on the bathroom floor.  In this book, she embarks on a journey to find solace in times of sorrow. This book taught me how to evoke hope in the times of sorrow. I could find happiness, even though, it may be difficult in a terrible tragedy.

3.  Little Women by Louissa May Alcott: This book describes the trials and tribulations of the March Family and how they buy presents in the times of the Civil War. This book gives you a fighting chance when all hope is bleak.  This book explores timeless characters and will keep us hooked till the last word.  This will take us on an incredible journey of the March Family to be together in sorrow and find hope.

4.     To Kill the Mocking Bird by Harper Lee: This is a life-changing story of a young girl, who is told by her family that all birds are innocent and cannot be killed.  This story explores the theme of racial discrimination, when a black man is accused of killing a young girl and then, suffers a grave injustice because he is sentenced to death.

5.   The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle: Teaches us to live fully in the present moment and, not to fret over the past, or the future and that the present moment is the ultimate truth and is above everything else. It offers a life-changing perspective on stress and how to deal with life.

How to find these kinds of books online?

We can find these kinds of life-changing books on Bookswagon.com. It has many books of different categories such as memoirs, novels, children's classics, and biographies to make your life a thrilling adventure. https://www.bookswagon.com/self-help-personal-development-books Click here and grab copies for children and teens. 


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